Milind Mishra

Milind Mishra πŸ‘‘

Freelancing & Building Passion Projects

Types of Software Engineers

In today's fast-paced technological world, software engineering has become a critical part of nearly every industry. Software engineers are responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining software programs and applications that help businesses...

Abstract Equality and Special Types!

To better understand equality and its use cases let's see the available types in Javascript. JavaScript has several special types that are used to represent specific types of data. Various Types available in JavaScript Undefined: A variable that has...

[object Object]

To handle this kind of error let's step back and understand the ToPrimitive Abstract Operation. The ToPrimitive abstract operation is a fundamental concept in the ECMAScript language specification, which is the standard for modern JavaScript. It is u...

Wait, so you're saying JavaScript isn't weird!

Type coercion is the process of converting one data type to another. In JavaScript, type coercion is a common feature that allows the interpreter to implicitly convert values from one type to another when necessary. This can sometimes lead to unexpec...

React Router v6 Basics & Migration guide from v5

React Router is a popular library for handling routing in React applications. It allows you to easily specify the relationship between different parts of your application and provides a way for users to navigate between them. If you are using an olde...

useState & useEffect πŸͺ from counter to data fetching!

Introduction to useState and useEffect in React useState and useEffect are two of the most commonly used Hooks in React. They allow you to add state and side effects to functional components, which were previously only possible with class-based compo...

πŸ› ( Price Tracker using Puppeteer

JavaScript quick-start project for price tracking. πŸ›  Tools required to develop the price-tracker NodeJs Puppeteer SendGrid/Mail CronJob 🀝 Requirements In order to utilise this project you need to have the following installed locally: n...

Higher Order Functions - (II) & Beyond ⚑️

Lets start with a quick revision of map() and filter() and some exercises πŸ”₯ map() iterates over each element of the array and returns a new array with the results of the callback function filter() returns true false for each element of the array an...

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